Thoughtful Design
Here's a description of my nightmare client: Indecisive, demanding, obsesive, cheap, and constantly complaining. Designer, Know Thyself! Yes, I am my own worst client and it only took designing my own logo to remind me of that fact. Everything that I tell my clients about the importance of their logo was magnified – "This is the most important element of your brand strategy because it will be printed, published, and posted in every form of visual media through which your business is represented!" – I hate being right.
Designing my own identity gave me a better appreciation for what it's like to have to decide on what that image will be. That's why when I work with you to design your brand identity you'll know that I empathize with you and I'll work with you to create a logo that represents your business, institution, or organization like it's my own. After all, it represents my work as well.
m-Design. Thoughtful design.